December 13, 2009

Four Seasons

Thanks to 4 wonderful friends, I was able to pull it off this 4 Seasoned themed Beauty shoot. I did all the hair and most of the makeup myself. It was my first Beauty shoot so I think I did well. Not my best, considering I forgot to do the lighting setup I originally planned for, but I was really happy with the overall effect. I finally added Summer.

Model: Victoria

Model: Melia

Model: Krystal

Model: Victoria 

Abandoned Fashion

I'm starting a series of modern fashion images taken at old abandoned locations. This set was taken at a closed restaurant off of I35 about 10 min from my apt. These three girls are friends of my friend Korin. They did great for being first time models.

Model: Chantal

Model: Elody

Model: Chantal

Model: Stephanie

Models: Stephanie, Elody, Chantal

Hadarah Artistry

This was a shoot I did for a makeup artist, Hadarah Artistry/Curnedra.
It was very challenging because of the lighting. By the time makeup and hair were finished, it was noon, which is the worst time to shoot possible. :( The girls all did a wonderful job and they were all very patient with me and my clutsiness. This wasn't my best work but I'm still learning after all.

November 4, 2009


This isn't my usual photo subject but I had fun shooting it.
It reminded me of High School when I took photos of my skating buddies.
This shoot wasn't too far off. :) Willis is one of my photo classmates.

Check out Willis's myspace
or blogspot

New Age Pin-up

For my Portraiture class, I was exploring stereotypes/gender roles. 
The shoot was inspired by war pin-ups.
Melia was a natural :)

October 27, 2009

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

This is my second attempt to create Alice in Wonderland. This time I wanted to the original illustrations by Sir John Tenniel. On some of the pages, the original text by Lewis Carroll is included. Overall I think the project was very successful. (I got an A+ on it) Curiouser and Curiouser.

If you're wondering about copyright laws, the copyright on the book expired in 1906. After that, the original illustrations can be changed.

Austin Monthly Magazine

I had the opportunity to shoot an editorial portrait for the next issue of Austin Monthly magazine. It's a local magazine that promotes local businesses and artists. I was asked to photograph Ryan Driggers, the owner of Path Salon. He was a really friendly, funny, very "South Austinite" kind of person.


Portraits of Krystal were taken as practice
for natural ambient lighting in my Portraiture class.


The portraits of Korin were taken for practice with lighting for my Portraiture class. I had to practice with studio lighting and natural ambient light. (Zero photoshop! btw)

Corwin & the Cat

Portraits of my nephew Corwin eating his "delicious treat."
 I think Rosie wanted a little lick.