August 9, 2009


A photograph of my baby niece, Helen. She was "being soft" and giving the flowers "lubs." I captured these images using my medium format Bronica ETS camera. It's a neat way to take photographs because the viewfinder is backwards (left to right and up and down) and the film is larger than the average 35mm.
Little Melon

Oster Toaster

An exercise in my lighting class to advertise a "fresh yet stylish" addition to your kitchen. 
Sunny Side Up
Not The Average Joe

Zen Japanese Fast Food

An exercise in my lighting class to advertise the quick and healthy alternative to fast food. 
 Philadelphia Rolls
Veggie Rolls & Philadelphia Rolls 
 Philadelphia Rolls & Veggie Rolls 

Rustic Roots

Some random images from my home in "the sticks" of New Mexico. 

Black-eyed Susans

Beaucoups of Birds

A visit to the Fort Worth, Texas Zoo. 
For some reason, I photographed beaucoups of birds. The images turned out really colorful and sharp.

Blue Macaw
Little Parakeets
Tiny Cockatiel
Roseate Spoonbill

August 5, 2009

"Mirror Images"

A small co-hesive gallery of black & white photography.
Clouds & Powerlines
Birds on Wires
Lake Austin
2009 The 4th Bubbles
City Lights of Austin
Squares in the Stairs
Peg Legs
At The End