September 9, 2009

Adventures in Dallas

This was a beautiful apartment building in downtown Dallas.
The architecture looks Victorian.


This was an exercise for my Digital Retouching class. 
With help from Photoshop CS4, I retouched this portrait of my classmate Krystal. 



These photographs were part of an exercise for my Studio class to practice lighting on form.
I had a huge light leak on my film but it just gives the images a more "ghosty" feel.
8:1 Lighting Ratio
2:1 Lighting Ratio
8:1 Lighting Ratio
2:1 Lighting Ratio

Medium Format Abstract

Abstract Photography is considered subjective or non-realistic. 
It generally contains a design, pattern, or shape where the subject is unclear. 
There shouldn't be a specific orientation to view an abstract image.

I photographed these with my medium format Bronica ETS camera. 
I'd rather not say what the subjects are or I'd ruin the fun.

September 7, 2009

In Wonderland

This project was one of my personal favorites. I wanted to recreate Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass from my own point of view. Wonderland, to me, is the fantastic opposite of my life, yet it compliments it. 
Looking Through the Looking Glass
On The Other Side
Model: Chris
Throught The Looking Glass
 Model: Chloe
I hope to continue this project when I have more models.