December 13, 2009

Four Seasons

Thanks to 4 wonderful friends, I was able to pull it off this 4 Seasoned themed Beauty shoot. I did all the hair and most of the makeup myself. It was my first Beauty shoot so I think I did well. Not my best, considering I forgot to do the lighting setup I originally planned for, but I was really happy with the overall effect. I finally added Summer.

Model: Victoria

Model: Melia

Model: Krystal

Model: Victoria 

Abandoned Fashion

I'm starting a series of modern fashion images taken at old abandoned locations. This set was taken at a closed restaurant off of I35 about 10 min from my apt. These three girls are friends of my friend Korin. They did great for being first time models.

Model: Chantal

Model: Elody

Model: Chantal

Model: Stephanie

Models: Stephanie, Elody, Chantal

Hadarah Artistry

This was a shoot I did for a makeup artist, Hadarah Artistry/Curnedra.
It was very challenging because of the lighting. By the time makeup and hair were finished, it was noon, which is the worst time to shoot possible. :( The girls all did a wonderful job and they were all very patient with me and my clutsiness. This wasn't my best work but I'm still learning after all.